
Friday, September 17, 2010

Infection - A Difficult Week

This picture is actually the end of week one..Tillie was still active..less active than normal, but active. This was a moment of being unhooked from her IV machine and she was up and about. Saturday, Sept. 11th, Tillie had another bone marrow aspiration. From here on out, she kept complaining about her back hurting. By Tuesday, I think, it was determined she had infection at the site of the bone marrow draw. Thursday the doctor said it was indeed a staph infection. I went up to be with Emily as this was upsetting to her. Tillie was given an MRI to see if the infection was in her muscles. I don't think it is..nothing was said. Today, Friday, there was talk of draining the area, and if that didn't work, surgery. It was later determined that the swelling was edema and no aggressive measures would be done. We're praying that it doesn't go any further and that the antibiotics take out the infection.
This little guy, Ravis, has also been a real trooper! He has been making the rounds between family, friends and daycare! Here he's got a quiet moment with his Mom!!
Resting with Tillie..she was having a hard time lying down because of her back pain.
Tillie and her Daddy!
I think this says it all. Oh will get better, soon!

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