
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 13 in the Hospital, Day 12 of Chemo

The time has come when we are beginning to see all the side effects of chemo.  Our sweet girl is cranky & tired & has quick & dramatic mood swings.  Yesterday was a scary time as one of the points where they took a bone marrow sample became infected -- with her immune system so compromised, they put her on 2 different antibiotics & constantly monitored.  During all of this she has been in a lot of pain & is so uncomfortable that often she doesn't know what she wants in order to feel better (most suggestions are met with "no!").

Thankfully today the infection seems to be better -- she slept for much of the morning, had a bit of good-humored time during which she ate a little, & now has returned to constant pain & restlessness.  Poor baby.  She is currently receiving a platelet transfusion & as soon as that's done she'll be onto a red blood cell transfusion. It's heartbreaking to tell her "It'll be alright" & have her answer back angrily, "No, it's not alright!"  She is sick & tired of being poked & prodded but also has moments of incredible resilience & consideration -- while she hollers when she sees the thermometer, she still automatically lifts her arm to help the nurse.  Today when a nurse apologized for hurting her, she replied consolingly, "That's ok."

Now with the morphine going in, she has quieted down.  Hopefully she can get some much-needed rest.  Below is my favorite moment from the day -- quietly flipping through the pages of The Little House, one of my favorite childhood books.

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