Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tillie had surgery last night at 8:30pm to drain the infection, the MRI showed a large pocket of pus all across her back. There was an abcess under that, beginning to get into her bones and muscles. They are going in again today to put in a penrose drain, so it will heal from the inside out without having to keep re-pack it. She's on morphine again, its going to be a slow heal. The general surgeon says at the least 2 weeks for recovery. The orthopedic surgeon will be assisting today, to take a look at her bones and muscles to see if the general surgeon was able to clean out the infection that was getting into them. Keep Tillie in your prayers and pray for quick healing!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Healing Tornado
Rest has been a tough thing for Tillie to find the last week, with multiple painful infections & chemo side affects. This photo was taken on Tuesday September 21st, the autumn equinox & day number 18 in the hospital. Her pain has been so bad that she had morphine throughout the weekend & into this week. While it's difficult to see her doped up from the medication, it has allowed her to get some much needed rest.
And now her little body has started its comeback! Yesterday the infection site in her back started to pus, a sure sign that her body is beginning to fight the infection on its own. And today it is draining!!...who knew we could get so excited about draining pus? :) While the photo above was soon after another platelet transfusion, it was also after visiting the fish in the lobby aquarium, the first trip outside her hospital room in a week. Today she had a bit more energy & even giggled for her grandma! Her platelet & healthy white blood cell numbers are steadily rising, a strict prerequisite to being allowed to go home. She may be home as early as next week -- which will begin the next phase of this 2-year treatment plan, one in which the Maiers will need more support than ever so be on the look-out for a meal calendar & other ways to support them along this journey!
Our heartfelt gratitude for your continued prayers & support.
And now her little body has started its comeback! Yesterday the infection site in her back started to pus, a sure sign that her body is beginning to fight the infection on its own. And today it is draining!!...who knew we could get so excited about draining pus? :) While the photo above was soon after another platelet transfusion, it was also after visiting the fish in the lobby aquarium, the first trip outside her hospital room in a week. Today she had a bit more energy & even giggled for her grandma! Her platelet & healthy white blood cell numbers are steadily rising, a strict prerequisite to being allowed to go home. She may be home as early as next week -- which will begin the next phase of this 2-year treatment plan, one in which the Maiers will need more support than ever so be on the look-out for a meal calendar & other ways to support them along this journey!
Our heartfelt gratitude for your continued prayers & support.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Infection - A Difficult Week
This picture is actually the end of week one..Tillie was still active..less active than normal, but active. This was a moment of being unhooked from her IV machine and she was up and about. Saturday, Sept. 11th, Tillie had another bone marrow aspiration. From here on out, she kept complaining about her back hurting. By Tuesday, I think, it was determined she had infection at the site of the bone marrow draw. Thursday the doctor said it was indeed a staph infection. I went up to be with Emily as this was upsetting to her. Tillie was given an MRI to see if the infection was in her muscles. I don't think it is..nothing was said. Today, Friday, there was talk of draining the area, and if that didn't work, surgery. It was later determined that the swelling was edema and no aggressive measures would be done. We're praying that it doesn't go any further and that the antibiotics take out the infection.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 13 in the Hospital, Day 12 of Chemo
The time has come when we are beginning to see all the side effects of chemo. Our sweet girl is cranky & tired & has quick & dramatic mood swings. Yesterday was a scary time as one of the points where they took a bone marrow sample became infected -- with her immune system so compromised, they put her on 2 different antibiotics & constantly monitored. During all of this she has been in a lot of pain & is so uncomfortable that often she doesn't know what she wants in order to feel better (most suggestions are met with "no!").
Thankfully today the infection seems to be better -- she slept for much of the morning, had a bit of good-humored time during which she ate a little, & now has returned to constant pain & restlessness. Poor baby. She is currently receiving a platelet transfusion & as soon as that's done she'll be onto a red blood cell transfusion. It's heartbreaking to tell her "It'll be alright" & have her answer back angrily, "No, it's not alright!" She is sick & tired of being poked & prodded but also has moments of incredible resilience & consideration -- while she hollers when she sees the thermometer, she still automatically lifts her arm to help the nurse. Today when a nurse apologized for hurting her, she replied consolingly, "That's ok."

Now with the morphine going in, she has quieted down. Hopefully she can get some much-needed rest. Below is my favorite moment from the day -- quietly flipping through the pages of The Little House, one of my favorite childhood books.
Thankfully today the infection seems to be better -- she slept for much of the morning, had a bit of good-humored time during which she ate a little, & now has returned to constant pain & restlessness. Poor baby. She is currently receiving a platelet transfusion & as soon as that's done she'll be onto a red blood cell transfusion. It's heartbreaking to tell her "It'll be alright" & have her answer back angrily, "No, it's not alright!" She is sick & tired of being poked & prodded but also has moments of incredible resilience & consideration -- while she hollers when she sees the thermometer, she still automatically lifts her arm to help the nurse. Today when a nurse apologized for hurting her, she replied consolingly, "That's ok."
Now with the morphine going in, she has quieted down. Hopefully she can get some much-needed rest. Below is my favorite moment from the day -- quietly flipping through the pages of The Little House, one of my favorite childhood books.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Poem For Tillie by her Mom
Come Home, Little Angel
I watch you sleep, little Angel, blissfully unaware
Of all that is going on, how much you hurt inside
You want to go outside, play in the sun
You don't know why you're here, why you have to stay.
Come Home, Little Angel, come home and sleep.
Waking up each morning you're always on your feet.
Come Home, Little Angel, let me see you in your own room
Running and laughing, nothing will ever slow you down.
Come Home, Little Angel.
With smiles you see those who in scrubs and gloves
Always ready to hug someone with open arms.
My little tornado, whirling around in your own dance
Get well, sweet Angel. Come and dance with me.
Jesus holds you now, He shines through your every grin
Helping your body fight the sickness within.
We give you to God, little Angel, let him guide your steps
I watch you sleep, little Angel, blissfully unaware
Of all that is going on, how much you hurt inside
You want to go outside, play in the sun
You don't know why you're here, why you have to stay.
Come Home, Little Angel, come home and sleep.
Waking up each morning you're always on your feet.
Come Home, Little Angel, let me see you in your own room
Running and laughing, nothing will ever slow you down.
Come Home, Little Angel.
With smiles you see those who in scrubs and gloves
Always ready to hug someone with open arms.
My little tornado, whirling around in your own dance
Get well, sweet Angel. Come and dance with me.
Jesus holds you now, He shines through your every grin
Helping your body fight the sickness within.
We give you to God, little Angel, let him guide your steps
Saturday. 9-11-2010
Tillie had a hard day today. It started with having to be knocked out for a bone marrow aspiration. Also more chemo and a platelet transfusion. They gave her some benedryl prior to the transfusion. I guess some kids have allergic reactions??!! So, here is Tillie sleeping off the effects of the day. She was pretty tired and grumpy while we were there.
Friday, September 10, 2010
A New and Bigger Room
Tillie was moved to the larger room today. Since she is their only long term patient they felt she needed the extra space. She has been blessed by so many friends bearing gifts! Her room looks to the Northwest with a hint of Commencement Bay..(I think)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Anyone who knows Tillie knows how much she loves people. She (& her family) love visitors, especially during the long weekdays. We hope you will come say hi, but we also have a couple reminders for Tillie's safety:
Tillie is at the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma. The main entrance is directly off of MLK Way & street parking can usually be found nearby. Enter the building with address 315 & take the Olympic elevators to the 6th floor. Tillie is in room 670 (hopefully by this weekend she will be in the larger room just to the left).
We hope you will come visit!
- Do not come if you are sick or not feeling well -- Tillie's immune system is very weak & we must limit her exposure to any germs.
- Please wash & use Purell before entering her room -- Purell dispensers can be found immediately inside the pediatric ward, across the hall from Tillie's room & just inside her room.
- an inexpensive kids' digital camera so that Tillie can take photos of her hospital stay, her nursing friends & her many visitors.
- hand puppets -- next week we will be putting on puppet shows from the foot of her bed (please call in advance for tickets as it may be standing room only)
- playdough molds
- small people or play sets for imaginative play
- a fun, colored flashlight (perhaps with fiber optics)
- Big Backyard or Zoo magazines
- small set of large legos (please confirm with the family that Tillie has been moved to the larger room)
Tillie is at the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma. The main entrance is directly off of MLK Way & street parking can usually be found nearby. Enter the building with address 315 & take the Olympic elevators to the 6th floor. Tillie is in room 670 (hopefully by this weekend she will be in the larger room just to the left).
We hope you will come visit!
Today we were dealing with one of the side affects of the chemotherapy, called neutropenia, where the white blood cell count is low enough to compromise the immune system. Normal count is upwards of 1,000, this morning Tillie was sitting at 121. With this increased risk of infection, she was confined to her room. So, we built a fort, played games, she was made an honorary submariner from the visiting veterans & had some time with little brother Ray.
Monday, September 6, 2010
On her way to becoming the most visited kid at Mary Bridges...
Today Tillie received via IV steroids & chemo treatment, which the nurse said can result in hunger & crankiness. We only saw a few examples of cranky & she finished off 3 string cheese, fruit, granola, & apple juice all before dinner! She really enjoyed all her visitors today, giving lots of hugs & stating "I'm glad you're here." We went to the playroom, visited the fish & enjoyed new books & toys (thank you Walker family!). And best of all...her leukemia cell count is down to 20% !!
Cool snuggling with Auntie Mel. |
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Sara! |
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Weighing in with Ron. |
Hugs from Uncle Monkey. |
Our evening nurse just switched over -- her name is Nicole & we established today's goal for Tillie is sleep. :)