
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Update - 10-10-10

This past week has been a good week for Tillie. We are seeing the Tornado we all have missed. She seems to have a lot of her energy back, but notice things like achy knees that come and go. Othertimes, she is all over! She has a car from the playroom, the kind you sit on and push with your legs and she is a wild child on that. We went to the playroom the other day and I could barely keep up with her with the IV tower!

Today Emily and Anthony are renewing their lease so, Reg and I are here with Tillie. We've already had one trip to the playroom and now it's lunch and "Cars."

There was a bone marrow aspiration on Friday and also an interthecal chemo treatment. That's where chemo goes right into the spinal fluid. Her infection is doing very well and has several more weeks of IV antibiotics. Emily will be able to administer those at home. In fact, Emily has been doing a lot of Tillie's care this weekend to transition into home care. We are hopeful that Tillie will go home tomorrow or in the next couple of days. Home care will consist of IV therapy and IV flushes. Also, changing the dressing on the incision from the surgery.

Once Tillie is home she will have mostly outpatient care, but there were will be some overnights at the hospital. Dr. Louie said that there will be ups and downs throughout this process. The infection was a fluke and that was DEFINITELY a down, but she is so much better now!

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