On March 10th, my friend, co-worker and volunteer firefighter, Abbey, took part in the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb Event to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. She had talked to me last summer about it and having Tillie as their honoree. Abbey and 2 others from Mason County Fire District 11 were taking part.
The event takes place in Seattle at the Columbia Tower, the tallest building in Seattle. They were going to climb 1,311 steps in full firefighter gear and SCBA (Breathing apparatus). About 70 pounds of gear! These 3 trained for months at our local high school's stadium. We were able to get passes for all of the Maier Family and Reg and me.
Oh my! What a wonderful event!
When we first got there we parked in the building...6 floors down in the ground! That was really weird going down, down, down....
Here is Abbey before she did her "run." There were 1500 firefighters there and they stagger the groups going up..
Tillie with Abbey, Kim and Summer. Kim went first in their group. Halfway up there is the opportunity to change out the air tank. Each of them had pictures of Tillie on their helmets too!
As each Battalion was called to line up and then head to the start point, this Pipe band sent them off..it was cool!
Here's Reg and Tillie...Did I say this was a WONDERFUL event! There was quite a bit of down time and both Tillie and Ravis did really well. We brought plenty of snacks and wandered around looking at all the firefighters!
When it was close to Abbey's turn to go, we connected with an escort to take us to the top. But first we went to the start point for the firefighters. They have a chip on a bracelet that starts timing them when they swipe their hand here. So, for about half an hour, Tillie got to yell "SWIPE" to all the participants that passed through there. There were many who also wanted to high five or fist bump with Tillie! She had a blast!!! There were some photographers taking a bunch of pictures of her...she had her own paparazzi! :)
Here's Abbey and Ravis, shortly before her run...Ravis had fun running around and being a boy!! He spent a lot of time on Anthony's shoulders..easier to keep him corraled when it was needed!
Anthony and Ravis...it was actually a good place for a little guy to watch everything!
Here's Abbey swiping and ready to go! Do you see the picture of Tillie on her helmet? We put before, during and after treatment pictures on the helmets.
After Abbey headed up, we headed for the elevators...In my opinion, a much better way to go to the top! I think Abbey agrees now! Hehehehe....
At the finish line, the volunteers help get the tanks, helmets and masks off the firefighters and the medic tells them to take off their jackets. They are trying to get them to cool off quickly. When they get to the finish line they are spent! They are each escorted to an area to sit and hydrate. So, the medic recruited Tillie to get them to take their jackets off...So as each one came through the finish line and had their tanks, helmets and masks taken off, Tillie yells, "TAKE OFF YOUR JACKET." If they didn't respond, she yelled again...It was HILARIOUS!!!!! A lot of them at the finish line were the ones who high fived Tillie at the beginning and they wanted another high five!!...Did I mention this was an AWESOME event???
Here's a video of Tillie in charge! It was too funny! She did a great job!
Abbey did it!!! Her time was about 30 minutes! And she was thrilled to have Tillie at the top to greet her and tell her "TAKE OFF YOUR JACKET!!"
Here's Abbey resting and hydrating..a very important part of the process.
This one's for me (Carolyn)..Safeco Field from 69 stories up...it's quite a spectacular view!

Back down..well, on the 3rd floor....Did I mention how awesome this day was??
We had a wonderful time and as we were upstairs greeting the firefighters as they finished, saying good job and thank you for what you're doing I was near tears at times that they would train and train and train for this..for kids and adults who have battled leukemia and lymphoma. Over one million dollars was raised yesterday! I know that Emily and Anthony benefited from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with financial help.
This journey Tillie has been on has introduced us to some mighty fine people. Folks at Mary Bridge, Make A Wish and yesterday all the volunteers and firefighters and more...all to honor and remember those who have fought these blood cancers.