
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Just want to catch up everyone who's following the blog. Tillie's hospital stay from the ear infection lasted 7 days. Those last couple of days you knew she was getting better as she was not content to sit still! :) When she went to her next appointment the following Monday, there was concern her port was getting infected. Her white count and Absolute Neutraphil Count (ANC) was virtually nothing. The decision was made to de-access her port, switch her to oral antibiotics and then install a catheter in her side to give her a growth hormone to artifically increase her white count and ANC. She went in the next day for another shot and her counts have come up to acceptable, fighting levels! The next week started her final phase before maintenance. This phase involves a 3-4 day hospital stay every other week through the week of June 13th. Maintenance will be a once a month treatment! We can't wait. During these hospital stays, she receives a 24 hour drip of a high dose chemo. That's followed by a "rescue" drug..Folate. Then when her system has cleared the chemo, she's able to be released.

Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday!

Finding the eggs..

Ravis...Bunny Boy!