
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here are some current pictures for your enjoyment!

Easter Tillie! Still in the hospital as of April 17th. White blood count was very low this week and is slowly coming back up..emphasis on slowly!

Tillie loves Little Mermaid and the volunteers found her a brand new toy of Little Mermaid to keep! In the ER April 12th. She was miserable, but so very willing to pose!
Getting a transfusion April 11th
Steroid hangover..her cheeks were very chubby and she had an appetite! It's gone again :(
At Red Robin..if you look at the above pictures, you'll notice her hair has fallen out again. Fortunately she's just fine with that.
This extended hospital stay has been hard on the Maier Family. Emily has stayed with Tillie in her room every night except two when Grandma Carolyn stayed. If this goes into next week we will need daycare for Ravis. We thank you all who have helped out, whether financially or in being available to visit, call, pray etc...We couldn't do this without you!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prayers for our Tillie Girl

After a transfusion on Monday due to low, low blood numbers, Tillie began to feel ill & have pain. Her momma, worried about her rising fever, took her into the ER last night. She has an ear infection & is on IV fluids, remaining in the hospital today & tomorrow for sure. Right now we need your thoughts & prayers for two things:
  1. That her fever go down -- if it reaches 101, she will stay in the hospital as long as it takes until her white blood cell count goes up.
  2. That the site of her last 2 lumbar pokes do not become infected -- they are currently red & being monitored closely. 
Thank you for being a part of Tillie's support team!